Dallas attorney Royce West is a former prosecutor who has served in the Texas Senate since 1993.
After receiving his primary education in Dallas ISD schools, he proudly graduated from Wilmer Hutchins High School. He earned a bachelor and Master degree from The University of Texas at Arlington and received a Doctorate of Jurisprudence from the University of Houston School of Law.
He parlayed his education and rose through the ranks as a prosecutor, eventually becoming the first African-American named chief felony prosecutor in Dallas County.
He was first elected to represent the 23rd Senatorial District in November 1992. Senator West has incorporated his commitment to young people throughout his political, civic and professional career. A commitment that he is proudest of is his dedication to the education and empowerment of young boys through Boy Scouts of America. He currently serves on the Circle Ten Executive Council.
He serves as a member of the following standing Senate committees: Education, Finance, Transportation, and as Vice-Chair of Higher Education.
An educational champion, Senator West has lead the legislation and charge that created the University of North Texas at Dallas (UNTD) and the UNTD School of Law and subsequent authorization creating the UNTD School of Pharmacy.

Dr. Emmett J. Conrad:
A Dallas physician, Dr. Conrad was also a civic leader and educational advocate. He was the first African-American elected to the Board of Trustees of the Dallas Independent School District.
Dr. Conrad was committed to equal and accessible education for all students. This commitment manifested in his being elected the first African-American Board of Trustee member of the Dallas Independent School District.
On the state level, he was appointed to the Select Committee of Public Education (SCOPE). The SCOPE committee initiated a number of educational reforms including the controversial “no pass, no play” rule and the TECAT examinations.
The internship is a continuation of Dr. Conrad’s commitment to education.